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Oosterzelesteenweg 121-123
9230 Wetteren
Celullar concrete
Celullar concrete H+H -smooth - 62.5 x 5 x 25 cm
Ytong blokken worden gebruikt voor niet-dragende binnenwanden, dragende wanden en (brandwerende) scheidingswanden. Deze lijmblokken zijn licht van gewicht en zodoende snel en gemakkelijk te verwerken. Cellenbeton is onbrandbaar en behoort conform NEN-EN 13601-1 tot de Europese brandklasse A1.
€1.16 / ST
Celullar concrete H+H - smooth - 62.5 x 10 x 25 cm
Ytong blokken worden gebruikt voor niet-dragende binnenwanden, dragende wanden en (brandwerende) scheidingswanden. Deze lijmblokken zijn licht van gewicht en zodoende snel en gemakkelijk te verwerken. Cellenbeton is onbrandbaar en behoort conform NEN-EN 13601-1 tot de Europese brandklasse A1.
€2.33 / ST
Celullar concrete H+H - smooth - 62.5 x 7.5 x 25 cm
Ytong blokken worden gebruikt voor niet-dragende binnenwanden, dragende wanden en (brandwerende) scheidingswanden. Deze lijmblokken zijn licht van gewicht en zodoende snel en gemakkelijk te verwerken. Cellenbeton is onbrandbaar en behoort conform NEN-EN 13601-1 tot de Europese brandklasse A1.
€1.75 / ST
Celullar concrete H+H - T&G - 62.5 x 15 x 25 cm
Ytong blokken worden gebruikt voor niet-dragende binnenwanden, dragende wanden en (brandwerende) scheidingswanden. Deze lijmblokken zijn licht van gewicht en zodoende snel en gemakkelijk te verwerken. Cellenbeton is onbrandbaar en behoort conform NEN-EN 13601-1 tot de Europese brandklasse A1.
€3.83 / ST
Celullar concrete H+H - T&G - 62.5 x 20 x 25 cm
Ytong blokken worden gebruikt voor niet-dragende binnenwanden, dragende wanden en (brandwerende) scheidingswanden. Deze lijmblokken zijn licht van gewicht en zodoende snel en gemakkelijk te verwerken. Cellenbeton is onbrandbaar en behoort conform NEN-EN 13601-1 tot de Europese brandklasse A1.
€5.47 / ST
Celullar concrete H+H - T&G - 62.5 x 24 x 25 cm
Ytong blokken worden gebruikt voor niet-dragende binnenwanden, dragende wanden en (brandwerende) scheidingswanden. Deze lijmblokken zijn licht van gewicht en zodoende snel en gemakkelijk te verwerken. Cellenbeton is onbrandbaar en behoort conform NEN-EN 13601-1 tot de Europese brandklasse A1.
€230.00 / PAL
Celullar concrete H+H - T&G - 62.5 x 30 x 25 cm
Ytong blokken worden gebruikt voor niet-dragende binnenwanden, dragende wanden en (brandwerende) scheidingswanden. Deze lijmblokken zijn licht van gewicht en zodoende snel en gemakkelijk te verwerken. Cellenbeton is onbrandbaar en behoort conform NEN-EN 13601-1 tot de Europese brandklasse A1.
€230.00 / PAL
H+H cellular (idem Ytong) - 60 x 9 x 20 cm
H+H's bilge blocks have very good thermal insulation and high compressive strength, allowing them to be used as thermal breaks in almost any load-bearing wall.
With the hydrophobized bilge blocks from H+H you can easily solve problems of insulating parts between roof and floor with traditional building materials according to EPB legislation. The H+H bilge blocks are just as easy to process as the other aerated concrete products of H+H. They are available in various sizes.
128 pcs/pallet
Quality: 1st. choice
supplement <1 pallet: + 0.20€/ pcs
€1.70 / ST
H+H cellular (idem Ytong) - 60 x 14 x 15 cm
H+H cellular blocks have very good thermal insulation and high compressive strength, allowing them to be used as thermal breaks in almost any load-bearing wall.
With H+H's hydrophobic bilge blocks, you can easily solve problems of insulating sections between roof and floor with traditional building materials according to EPB legislation. H+H's bilge blocks are just as easy to process as H+H's other aerated concrete products and are available in various sizes.
100 pcs/pallet
Quality: 1st. choice
supplement <1 pallet: + 0.20€/st.
€2.20 / ST
H+H cellular 60 x 20 x 19 cm - 56/P
Kimblokken van H+H of Ytong blokken hebben een zeer goede thermische isolatie en een hoge druksterkte waardoor ze in vrijwel elke dragende wand toegepast kunnen worden als thermische onderbreking.
€3.80 / ST
H+H cellular (idem Ytong) - 60 x 14 x 20 cm
H+H's bilge blocks have very good thermal insulation and high compressive strength, allowing them to be used as thermal breaks in almost any load-bearing wall.
With the hydrophobized bilge blocks from H+H you can easily solve problems of insulating parts between roof and floor with traditional building materials according to EPB legislation. The H+H bilge blocks are just as easy to process as the other aerated concrete products of H+H. They are available in various sizes.
80 pcs/pallet
Quality: 1st. choice
supplement <1 pallet: + 0.20€/st.
€2.65 / ST
H+H cellular (idem Ytong) - 62.5 x 9 x 25 cm
H+H's bilge blocks have very good thermal insulation and high compressive strength, allowing them to be used as thermal breaks in almost any load-bearing wall.
With the hydrophobized bilge blocks from H+H you can easily solve problems of insulating parts between roof and floor with traditional building materials according to EPB legislation. The H+H bilge blocks are just as easy to process as the other aerated concrete products of H+H. They are available in various sizes.
96 pcs/pallet
Quality: 1st. choice
supplement <1 pallet: + 0.20€/st.
€2.40 / ST
H+H cellular (idem Ytong) - 62.5 x 14 x 25 cm
H+H's bilge blocks have very good thermal insulation and high compressive strength, allowing them to be used as thermal breaks in almost any load-bearing wall.
With the hydrophobized bilge blocks from H+H you can easily solve problems of insulating parts between roof and floor with traditional building materials according to EPB legislation. The H+H bilge blocks are just as easy to process as the other aerated concrete products from H+H. They are available in various sizes.
60 pcs/pallet
Quality: 1st. choice
supplement <1 pallet: + 0.20€/st.
€3.40 / ST